Minggu, 28 Mei 2017

my business

 Business? The word business is familiar to us. A business is an organization that sells goods or services to the consumer for a profit. Historically the business word of the English language (business), from the basic word busy which means "busy" in the context of individuals, communities, or society. In the sense, busy doing activities and jobs that bring benefits.
Today there are so many types of businesses. Like an online business. As a student of economic education, doing business is a dream for me. I want a business that not only generates profits but also benefits others. I want to build a handicraft business. The handicrafts are made nuanced to my home region of Lampung, handicraft made from used goods that can still be processed into a material of economic value, I also plan to recruit young subjects to have hand skills and also invite housewives who can help to alleviate The burden of his family's economy.
 Handicraft in the form of miniature siger tower, elephant doll, tissue box tapis (typical cloth Lampug) and various crafts nuanced customs and culture Lampung. After the handicraft can be sold online through adolescent social media who participate in the making, so teenage gadgets are not only used for communication or selfie but also can be used to make money that can be used to buy their needs without having to ask with their parents.

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