Jumat, 16 Juni 2017

finally exam


 Assalamu’alikum Wr. Wb.
    First let us jointly offer our praise and thanksgiving for the presence of   God Almighty who  has given us good health  so that we can gather in this place.
        Ladies and  gentlemen, our nation is facing a very serious problem, namely  the decline of morale among adolescents. Currently  many teenagers are already affected by the hedonistic attitude of life that assumes that people will be happy by seeking as much happiness as possible a bnd avoiding painful feelings as much as possible. Not only that, teenagers today also have ignored the values and norms that apply in the community.
      This can be seen from the data that has been submitted by several institutions. For example, one independent institution exposes an astounding fact that 65%(sixy  five persent) of teenagers today have had sexual relationships such as kisses, free sex and even same-sex relationships. Not  only that, the data released by the National Narcotics Agency is no less surprising. They  released data that in 2015 (two 6housand and fiveteen)drug users from among teenagers reached 79%(seventy nine persent). This number has increased about 20% from the previous year.
   Really sad, is not it?
      Ladies and gentlemen, these data are enough to prove what is happening right now. So, whether the school education, teachers and parents have a role well? Why are today many tee  nagers who fall into a life that is inconsistent with the values and norms prevailing in society? After examined it turns out that today's youth has lost his character as a "knight".
     This is due to the weakness of character education that they get, both at school and at home.   Moreover, many schools today only focus on education that pursues results of "value" rather than educating children to have good character. Therefore, what we need now is character education, be it education at school and at home in order to overcome the  problems that occur.
      Thank you for your kind attention to my speech. I am sorry if there is any word or my   behave which unpleasing you all and to the God I beg for a forgiveness.
A fruitless life is a useless life.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.